

The LatinWE Foundation is a non-profit organization created to help Hispanic women, 30 and older, living in the Greater Houston area to improve their quality of life through education programs that will allow them to overcome personal and family challenges with the tools that will enhance their education and earning potential.


Create a platform for educational, psychological and financial support for Latina Women, who wish to continue to excel in their education or the creation of small to medium-sized business.


To be one of the largest Hispanic women’s organizations in the Greater Houston area.  We are firm believers in supporting the education and entrepreneurship of our associates through comprehensive programs that enable them to generate greater income to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Our goals:

  • To promote the education of our members so that they continue their academic formation or initiate small businesses by taking advantage of their innate abilities.
  • Ensure that our members, through education, training and counseling programs, find the necessary tools to be more competitive in the labor and business market.
  • Support our members in the creation and development of their small to medium enterprises
  • Promotion of our members small to medium sized business through fairs, networking and business connection opportunities.
  • Create a support group that encourages and motivates them to excel.
  • To motivate our members to the permanent achievement of their goals

The ones who believe in us